Thanks for being a paid subscriber. As I stated before, the premium subscription is where it’s at and this is one of the perks - free fitness routines monthly. Trust me, I don’t know of anyone else doing this, but I want to add great value to the premium section and these should serve you well. Simply follow the instruction to reap the benefits.
This routine is called a 7 x 7 and it entails 7 exercises, done for 7 repetitions each and for 7 total rounds (49 exercises), if you reach that level. But this is something to strive for eventually, not to attain right away.
7 x 7 Routine # 1
Exercise 1 (Standing Back Flies) - bend at knees with db’s out front. Keep the back tight as you start to raise dumbbells )pic 2). Now extend arms up and to side (pic 3) and straighten out your back while squeezing the shoulder blades together (pic 4). Repeat for seven reps.
Exercise 2 (Front Bar Raise) - put hands on bar with an overhand grip, hips down and back tight (pic 1). Now pull the bar from the ground to the shoulders in one motion (pics 2 + 3). Keeping the torso tight, raise the bar from shoulder height to overhead position (pic 4). Repeat for seven reps.
Exercise 3 (Lawnmower Pullup) - With front leg bent, place db in front of opposite foot and keep the back tight (pic 1). Now pull db upwards, brace back and allow the db to come towards side of chest (pics 2 + 3). In back position, db should be beside or slightly behind chest (pic 4) before travelling forwards again and down to opposite foot. (pic 1 again). Repeat for 7 reps per foot.
Exercise 4 (DB Lunges) - Start with db’s on shoulders and feet together (pic 1). Now lunge forward with one leg, keeping torso upright until back knee touches the ground (pic 2). Then step backwards and repeat for 7 reps (right leg) and seven reps (left leg).
Exercise 5 (Switch DB Deadlifts) - Start with feet apart and db held between two hands (right pic). Now turn to the right and drop the front knee down, bringing the back knee to the ground, while placing the db in front of the left toe (left top pic). Stand upright again, turn and do the same for the other side. Repeat seven times each side.
Exercise 6 (Angled Pushup) - use a bench or chair to modify this exercise if a regular pushup is too hard. Keep the torso straight with head forward and lower yourself to the chest on bench. Once to bottom position, push upwards to the straight arm position again and do for seven reps.
Exercise 7 (Goblet Squat) - In upright position, keep db in front by cupping it with hands and elbows underneath. Have toes slightly pointed outwards and feet apart (left pic). Now lower yourself into a squat position, with elbows at or near legs in bottom position (right pic). Stand and repeat for seven reps.
There you have it. Do seven reps for seven exercises and seven rounds (49 exercises if possible). That is a monster workout that should give you a big fitness boost.
Thank you so much for this workout!!
It was exactly what I needed today 🙏