The undeniable reality of our modern times is the abundance of disease. You see it all around you—people don’t seem healthy, and many rely heavily on medications or are fully immersed in the “sick care system.” The result: 7 in 10 will succumb to a disease.
This problem primarily arises from a combination of unhealthy habits. We live more sedentary lives, eat too much processed food, experience constant stress, and are exposed to various chemical toxins. Unfortunately, the environment around us is not improving.
So, how can you personally improve your health? The key is taking firm control of your own surroundings by making better choices and putting in a determined effort. Why wouldn’t you? You have one body, and you have one job—to keep it healthy. So if you’re ready for a change heading into 2025, then focus on the following seven essential pillars of physical health.
1. Improved Nutrition
We are what we eat, yet how many ignore this advice? They consume what taste’s good, not what’s good for them, never thinking about consequences.
But consider this: most degenerative diseases are merely penalties for eating demineralized and chemically enhanced factory foods full of starch, sugar and unhealthy fats. This creates a type of malnutrition and poisoning of our body that we are advised to counteract with additional poisonous pharmaceuticals.
Escape this trap by eating healthy, unprocessed foods. Think colorful fruits, vegetables, 100% whole grains (grind them yourself if need be), lean (unprocessed) meats, and healthy fats.
2. Increased Movement
Exercise is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, so aim to incorporate a suitable amount of exercise into your daily routine. Find what you love to do and do it consistently. Any form of movement contributes to your health, but be sure to include some strength training as well; it’s essential for maintaining lean muscle and ensuring a strong, healthy body.
What’s an adequate amount of exercise? Experts say aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly, though you can easily double that and still won’t overdo it.
3. Sufficient Sleep
Quality sleep is crucial for good health because it allows the body and mind to recover while repairing cells, strengthening the immune system, regulating metabolism, and improving cognitive function.
Lack of sleep though has a profound and detrimental impact on our health. It compromises the immune system, making us susceptible to infections and illnesses, while significantly impairing cognitive function, leading to difficulty concentrating, decreased memory, and reduced problem-solving abilities.
As the problem grows and people shuffle about in a general state of fatigue and reduced quality of life, they will suffer from climbing disease rates. So it’s well worth it to get more sleep at night.
4. Sunshine and Fresh Air
Spending time outdoors is vital for both physical and mental health. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, and is crucial for bone health and immune function. Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of sun exposure several times a week, depending on your skin type and location.
Fresh air also significantly benefits overall health. Increased oxygen intake boosts mood, enhances focus, and strengthens the immune system. It also improves digestion, promotes better sleep, lowers blood pressure and accelerates healing. By improving overall health, fresh air can contribute to a longer lifespan.
5. Good Hygiene
Until a few hundred years ago, standards of hygiene were fairly low. Waste was improperly disposed of, and diseases bred commonly. The bubonic plague in the 14th century was a result of these practices, killing one out of every three people it touched.
Today, lack of personal hygiene can still raise the risk of illness or disease. Consider that daily showers remove dirt, bacteria, and external substances, while trimming your nails prevents infections and unhealthy bacteria. Brushing teeth limits oral bacteria, prevents tooth decay, and fights low-grade gum infections, and washing hands keeps from contaminating food or bringing unwanted bacteria or viruses to others.
Ignoring good hygiene can lead to various health problems such as athlete's foot, lice, chronic diarrhea, folliculitis (inflamed hair follicles), pinworms, scabies, urinary tract infections, and ringworm, among others. So practice good personal hygiene to bring about a higher level of overall health and wellness.
6. Positive Mental Attitude
Mental illnesses are common in the United States and around the world. It’s estimated that more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (59.3 million in 2022).
While there are many causes for mental illness, common physical ailments like headaches, indigestion, ulcers, nervousness and tension can result from a negative mental perspective. You can do a lot to overcome negative thinking—strife, fear, anxiety—that adversely affect physical health. But putting all the seven health pillars into action will help you build the kind of positive mental attitude you need to thrive!
7. A Mindset of Excellence
Adopting a standard of excellence is one of the most effective ways to succeed in good health. If you aim to improve by just 1% each day, over time, those small increments compound to produce astonishing results that may even now seem impossible.
Embracing a 1% daily health improvement is not only achievable but sustainable, so remove limiting beliefs that cloud your thinking, commit to these pillars of health, and watch as you flourish physically in the years to come.
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Very much agree with your 7 pillars - such a nice read!