Why My Clients Lose Weight Consistently!
In the field of diet and nutrition, current scientific research seems to be at a standstill. The study of weight loss has become akin to Einstein's definition of insanity; doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different outcomes.
We hear debates about diet A versus diet B, low-carb versus low-fat versus high protein, among other things. While most diets seem to work in theory, many people find it difficult to stick to them. There could be several reasons for this:
Trying to change one's diet without proper preparation can often be ineffective
Unrealistic expectations lead to stress and seeking out high-fat, high-calorie "comfort" foods.
Many diets are unsustainable and may result in metabolic slowdown
Long-term commitment is often lacking when it comes to dieting commitment
A focus solely on dieting, rather than on lifestyle changes, can be counterproductive
Fad diets are often unhealthy and not a successful long-term solution
To overcome these challenges, it’s important to focus on sustainable lifestyle changes, such as adopting a balanced, whole-food diet containing the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy while incorporating regular exercise into your routine. However, even with both approaches, it’s important to recognize that weight loss is a gradual process and that a long-term commitment is necessary to adapt to the body's metabolic changes.
Note that if you're feeling stuck and are interested in retaining my services, I often work with clients using Skype to employ exercise and nutrition routines. This method can be performed in the privacy of your own home using an internet connection. I've personally helped many clients like this, with one losing roughly 50 lbs using this method.
Contact Information:
Email: jorgmardian@fastmail.com
Now let’s examine why my clients succeed!
Everyone Is Capable Of Great Results!
Here's the thing: all people can reach great results in their lifestyle pursuits if they understand standard, timeless principles of health. In this post, I want to showcase some of my clients' achievements—ordinary people from ordinary backgrounds—to demonstrate that anyone can achieve great results.
In my business, I don't promote fads, gimmicks, fancy diets, or the latest fitness craze. Instead, I have my clients eat food in a balanced manner, with fewer carbohydrates, less quantity, and more food quality.
Regarding fitness, I focus on lean muscle with a functional approach that employs the entire body, using weights, their own body weight, core work, and lots of sweat. We maintain a consistent pace during training, and the exercises are frequently modified with different methods and approaches to keep sessions engaging. If a method contributes to client goals and is an intelligent approach, I'll use it. If it doesn't work, I toss it. This approach has served me well over the decades, as I only get paid for producing results.
These are some of the principles I use with my clients:
Slow and steady weight loss is most beneficial. Losing 1-2 pounds consistently each week should be attainable.
Developing stable, repeatable behaviours with food and fitness early on in the journey to maintain changes over the long term. Slip into good patterns early using habit stacking. Consistency is the number one principle we employ.
Using the principle of accountability. This involves taking responsibility for your actions (diet journal, weighing, waist measurements, etc), for behavioural changes, and for staying motivated.
Choosing healthier food options and limiting sugar and alcohol intake to lose weight. Whole foods tend to be nutrient-rich, more filling, and less likely to cause overeating than processed foods. No fancy diets needed.
Exercise regularly: Staying fit and active and gaining lean muscle is key to long-term weight loss.
Remember, there is no quick fix. The key to safe and successful weight loss is to adopt a consistently healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for life.
What do the results of these points above look like? Below are a few client pictures. Most have had lifelong weight issues, but still managed a great degree of success using my principles:
Picture 1 (a 160 lb weight loss)
Picture 2 (a 40 lb weight loss)
Picture 3 (a 30 lb weight loss)

Many of my clients lose weight while working with me, and then continue on their own once they understand the principles. But to maintain success, it’s important to be vigilant when shopping at the supermarket, eating out, or visiting a friend's house. Simply assuming that things will turn out alright is not sufficient. You should never make assumptions about food because, more often than not, you’ll be surprised by what it contains.
Unfortunately, our food has become tainted with so many chemical poisons, genetic materials and unhealthy ingredients. It's important to remember that manufacturers prioritize profits over our health and well-being. Therefore, it's crucial that you stay alert and opt for high-quality food options whenever possible. Always read labels, check ingredients, ask questions, and continue to learn.
In terms of movement, putting in the effort now can pay off in the long run. By staying active and taking care of your body, you can avoid pain, maintain mobility and bone health as you age. On the other hand, neglecting exercise and a healthy diet can lead to a really poor quality of life down the line. Don't let the future catch you off guard.