Based on World Health Association and American Cancer Society statistics, almost 80% of people in modern society will die of a disease, with the seven top diseases killing about 24 million people every year.
Read that again to absorb it. Most people walk through life with the rock-solid assumption that they’re powerless to avoid disease. This is a dangerous myth. With the proper care, our body will remain disease free for life. Some of the most famous physicians and nutritional experts have said that 90% to 95% of all sickness and disease comes from faulty diet.
We are what we eat
Our body’s pH level is slightly alkaline, with a normal range of 7.36 to 7.44, which should be reflected through more wholesome, unrefined foods. An imbalanced diet high in refined and junk foods, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods tends to disrupt this balance.
In his book, The pH Miracle, Robert O. Young states: “The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic process depends upon an alkaline environment. Chronic acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neuron firing of your brain. In other words, over acidity interferes with life itself.”
What types of food do we need?
A proper diet of fresh, wholesome foods has great benefit in prevention of sickness and disease. Removing the cause – refined foods – removes the number one reason for most suffering. We need an abundance of fruits and vegetables, with smaller amounts of whole grain products, whole milk and cheeses, butter, clean meats and unrefined oils. These wholesome products have the essential enzymes, nutrients, fats and other co-factors which give superior health.
The standard North American diet is overabundant in acid-producing foods. The common supermarket fare of sugary cereals, margarines, rancid oils, white flour and sugar, canned and boxed foods makes it hard to receive proper nourishment.
A study in the June 2004 issue of the Journal of Food Chemistry and Analysis, found that junk food accounts for 30 percent of food Americans consume. Sugary snacks and sodas top the list, which probably accounts for our growing obesity epidemic. Conversely, consumption of alkaline-forming vegetables and fruit is at an all-time low.
Balanced Perspective
Eat wholesome, natural foods which still retain much of their nutrition. Keep this simple guideline in mind: fill one-quarter of your dinner plate with a choice of legumes, lean meats, dairy or carbohydrates, and the remaining three-quarters with colorful vegetables and crisp leafy greens, topped with raw oils and a variety of herbs.
Any nutritionist can give you a complete listing of foods that are perfectly suited for the alkaline diet. Keep a balanced perspective on life and remain focused on your goals. Vibrant good health brings dynamic energy and interest to life. Take charge of your own health and your body will work at peak efficiency.